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Weekly Theory Forum
[5.18]Neutrinos and their Non-Standard Interactions in the neutrino precision era 2020-05-13
[1.16]Leptogenesis without loops 2020-01-08
[1.9]Detecting light dark dark matter with superfluid helium from EFT 2020-01-08
[12.26]Does dark matter interact with dark energy? 2019-12-18
[12.2]The de Sitter Swampland Conjectures and Cosmic Acceleration 2019-11-27
[11.11]Positivity bounds in effective field theories 2019-11-06
[11.8]Asymptotic safety meets dark matter 2019-11-04
[11.8]Precision study on rare inclusive B decays 2019-11-01
[11.7]Jet Tagging via Particle Clouds 2019-10-28
[10.17]引力波检验广义相对 2019-10-11
[10.14]GUTs & Fermion Masses 2019-10-08
[10.10]Dark matter direct detections and the neutrino floor 2019-09-29
[10.9]The electroweak effective field theory from on-shell amplitudes 2019-09-29
[9.4]Shape of Higgs Potential at Future Colliders 2019-09-02
[8.8]A Proposal of Nonabelian Mirror Symmetry 2019-08-05
[8.9]Triangle singularities in Λ (1405) and Σ* production in Λc → π π π Σ decay 2019-07-26
[7.16]Sigma term physics 2019-07-12
[7.18]Constraining CP-violated electric-gluonic operator(s) through EDM measurements 2019-07-04
[7.16] Colloquium--Neutrino Models 2019-07-04
[7.11]Identify the quantum numbers of boosted dijet resonances at the LHC 2019-07-08
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