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Weekly Theory Forum
[9.29]Triple crossing, spectrahedron and positivity bounds 2021-09-28
[9.24]细推物理须行乐——从金庸群侠的武功选择看科研品味 2021-09-18
[9.22] Recent developments in nuclear lattice effective field theory 2021-09-18
[9.15]聒噪的宇宙 2021-09-13
[9.8]The open string pair production, its enhancement and the physics behind 2021-09-06
[6.23]New probes of the proton internal structures 2021-06-18
[6.18]引力波:一扇探索超高能标新物理的窗口 2021-06-11
[6.17]Low-energy $U(1)_{B-L}$ model at DUNE 2021-06-11
[6.16]Analytic methods for Feynman integrals 2021-06-11
[6.9]Sky localization and Parameter Estimation with Spaceborne Gravitational Wave detectors 2021-06-04
[6.2]Cosmic Rays and gamma-ray astronomy 2021-05-28
[5.26]Recent progress on Parton Physics from Lattice QCD 2021-05-21
[5.25]张量力对原子核的集体激发态和相关物理量的效应 2021-05-21
[5.17]Self-interacting dark matter: models and observations 2021-05-13
[4.28]LHCb实验上的味物理反常 2021-04-23
[4.14]Explorations on 21cm cosmology: the Tianlai and Hongmeng (DSL) projects 2021-04-09
[4.8]Gravitational waves from first-order phase transition during inflation 2021-04-02
[3.31]场论中的在壳性方法及其应用 2021-03-27
[3.24]利用量子精密测量以及天文观测搜寻轴子等超轻波动型暗物质 2021-03-19
[3.17]引力/规范对应 2021-03-12
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