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[6.17]Low-energy $U(1)_{B-L}$ model at DUNE
文章来源:  |  发布时间:2021-06-11  |  浏览:


Title Low-energy $U(1)_{B-L}$ model at DUNE

Speaker Yongchao Zhang (张永超) [Southeast University 东南大学]

Time 10:00 am, Thursday, Jun. 17th, 2021

Place Library Building 319, IHEP

Abstract:   The low-energy $U(1)_{B−L}$ model is a well-motivated framework to account for the tiny neutrino masses. The light scalar ($S$) and gauge ($Z'$) bosons in this model can be searched for in some high-intensity experiments, such as the near detector complex of DUNE. Without the scalar $S$, the Z’ boson can be probed at DUNE up to 1 GeV, with the corresponding gauge coupling $g_{BL}$ as low as $10^{−9}$ . In presence of the gauge coupling of $S$ with $Z’$, the DUNE prospect of $Z’$ can be significantly improved, even by one order of magnitude in $g_{BL}$. Furthermore, the $Z'$ boson can also induce important interference effect for $\nu - e$ scattering at DUNE. The DUNE sensitivities of $S$ and $Z’$ are largely complementary to other probes of these light particles such as the experiments FASER and P2 as well as the limits from supernovae and neutron star mergers.

Speaker:   Dr. Yongchao Zhang, Associate Professor at Southeast University, got his Ph.D. from Peking University in 2014. He was once a visiting scholar at University of Maryland and Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a postdoctor at Université Libre de Bruxelles and Washington University in St. Louis. He is mainly interested in beyond standard model phenomenology and relevant astrophysics and cosmology, such as neutrino physics, axion physics, and the interplay of particle physics and astrophysics.

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