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Weekly Theory Forum
[10.19]极高能宇宙粒子与时空对称性检验 2022-10-12
[09.29]A baryon resonance with mass lower than proton mass 2022-09-22
[09.22]奇特强子态与强子结构 2022-09-15
[07.06]The challenge of the high accuracy Lattice QCD calculation in China 2022-07-04
[06.29]Composite nature of exotic state from data analysis 2022-06-27
[06.22]极早期宇宙:Hubble常数危机的启示 2022-06-20
[06.15]Gravitational Waves Involving Neutron Stars: Gravity & Equation of State 2022-06-13
[04.27]Effective Pathway to New Physics 2022-04-25
[04.13]Possible connections between neutrino and dark matter 2022-04-11
[04.06]Higher form symmetries of QFT from string theory 2022-04-04
[03.30]The High-E window in Cosmology 2022-03-28
[03.16]QCD factorization and the jet cross section at hadron colliders 2022-03-14
[01.12]高精度相对论手征核力:现状与未来 2022-01-10
[01.05]Origin of Mass: from Higgs to Kaluza-Klein, and to Chern-Simons 2022-01-01
[12.29]Emergence of near-threshold structures in heavy hadron spectrum 2021-12-27
[12.01]大规模星系巡天宇宙学新进展 2021-11-29
[11.18]Dark Matter and New Physics at the Cosmic Frontier 2021-11-15
[11.3]Recent progress in cosmological collider physics 2021-10-29
[10.27]Theory for quarkonium: from NRQCD to soft gluon factorization 2021-10-25
[10.19]The WIMP dark matter paradigm and beyond 2021-10-15
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