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Weekly Theory Forum
[10.25]在三个典型能区研究与矢量介子态关联的新奇现象 2023-10-25
[10.11]Instanton Operator in Lattice QCD from Higher Category Theory — or, How to put Continuum QFT onto Lattice 2023-10-11
[09.27]Cosmic neutrinos: a new window into the extreme Universe 2023-09-21
[09.19]Pulsar Polarization Array - A New Methodology for Astroparticle Physics 2023-09-17
[09.04]From Conformal Collider to the LHC and Beyond 2023-09-02
[06.07]利用引力波研究引力与黑洞本质 2023-06-05
[06.05]New Heavy Exotics 2023-06-03
[05.17]A Beautiful Path to Quantum Chromodynamics 2023-05-15
[05.15]非微扰QCD新方法——反问题方法 2023-05-13
[05.10]用氢原子探索暗物质与暗能量 2023-05-08
[04.26]宇宙学一级相变与物质、反物质和原初黑洞的起源 2023-04-24
[04.19]QCD matter and phase transitions in early universe and compact stars 2023-04-17
[04.13]Black Hole Superradiance and its Disruption from Companions 2023-04-11
[04.12]Revealing the nature of hidden charm pentaquarks with machine learning 2023-04-10
[03.29]Quantum simulation for High Energy Physics 2023-03-27
[03.22]SMEFT at future lepton colliders 2023-03-20
[03.15]Relics of nonlinear resonances in the primordial universe 2023-03-13
[03.08]Landau‘s school, Landau's puzzle on QED, and the birth of renormalization group 2023-03-06
[03.01]大统一理论和即将展开的下一代中微子精确测量实验 2023-02-28
[11.30]Progress in understanding properties of QCD at high temperature 2022-11-28
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