[11.21]Perspectives of deep learning in lattice 1+1d scalar field theory |
2018-11-15 |
[11.20] Do we have dark matter in modified gravity? |
2018-11-02 |
[11.12]MAGIC- how Matter's extreme phases can be revealed in Gravitational wave observations and in relativistic heavy Ion Collision experiments |
2018-11-02 |
[11.9]Top-ics in Standard Model Effective Field Theory |
2018-11-08 |
[10.31]Sigma-assisted natural composite Higgs |
2018-10-26 |
[10.15]Can the electron-neutrino mass be determined by electron capture? |
2018-10-11 |
[9.21]Five structure of heavy pentaquark |
2018-09-18 |
[9.27]Lorentz Invariance in Generic Curved Spacetimes and Quantum Gravity |
2018-09-14 |
[9.25]Recent studies on Quantum Uncertainty Relation |
2018-09-10 |
[9.6-7]Introduction to tensor networks and applications to quantum and classical models I-III |
2018-08-28 |
[8.27]Flavour Physics - the gateway to New Physics? |
2018-08-23 |
8.28[A tale of charm and beauty: heavy quarks diffusion in high energy nuclear collisions ] |
2018-08-23 |
8.28[Inhomogeneous phases in QCD][Introduction to neutron star physics] |
2018-08-23 |
[8.24]基于变形核QRPA方法的双贝塔衰变矩阵元的计算 |
2018-08-17 |
[6.26]Status of eV-scale Sterile Neutrinos circa 2018 |
2018-06-25 |
[7.3]BSM physics in neutrino scattering |
2018-06-21 |
[6.14]Cosmological Collider Phenomenology: the Standard Model and Beyond |
2018-06-12 |
[6.11]Mass shift of charmonium states in`p A collision |
2018-06-21 |
[6.7]Chiral Magnetic Effect, Anomalous-Viscous Fluid Dynamics and the Isobaric Collisions at RHIC |
2018-06-05 |
[6.6]QGP in small systems |
2018-06-04 |