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Weekly Theory Forum
[7.17]Inflation, reheating and gravitational waves 2014-07-07
[7.14]Vector meson contributions to rare kaon decays 2014-06-26
[7.2]Parton physics from large-momentum effective field theory 2014-06-27
[7.1]Acoustic black holes: A holographic perspective 2014-06-26
[6.4]Dark Matter with t-channel mediator --A simple step beyond contact interaction 2014-06-03
[6.10]Sterile neutrinos: implications for cosmology after BICEP2 2014-05-30
[5.30]What Can We Learn from Precision Higgs 2014-05-26
[5.26]On the axial charge dynamics at strong coupling 2014-05-23
[5.27]QCD thermodynamics from Lattice QCD 2014-05-23
[5.20]Holographic Peierls metal insulator transition 2014-05-14
[4.29]Holographic QCD and conformal quantum mechanics 2014-04-14
[4.21]Precision Higgs and flavor physics as probes of an extra dimension 2014-04-08
[4.9]Spin and Long-Range Forces: The Unfinished Tale of the Last Massless Particle 2014-04-08
[3.24]Time-like pion form factor in lattice QCD 2014-03-20
[3.28]Searching for the QCD critical point from two directions 2014-03-19
[3.21]Hunting for CP violation in electric dipole moments of baryons and light nuclei 2014-03-06
[3.10]Renormalizable extension of the color sector: constraints and collider phenomenology 2014-03-04
[3.21]Finite-volume Hamiltonian method for coupled channel interactions in lattice QCD 2014-03-03
[3.6] A speculation on the nature of black hole horizon 2014-02-28
[3.6]Leptonic CP Violation in Neutrino Oscillations 2014-02-28
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