Title: Flavor Portal Dark Matter:
Collider Searches at the LHC and Gamma Ray Signature at the Fermi-LAT
Speaker: Dr. Jiang-Hao Yu (University of Texas at Austin)
Time: 10:00AM, Apr. 16th (Thursday)
Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
Abstract: As a simplified model, the flavor portal dark matter has many interesting features. First of all, its rich collider signatures provide us a great opportunity to search it at the LHC. I will focus on collider searches of the top quark portal dark matter using the top quark pair plus transverse missing energy final states. Then I will talk about a new vector fermion portal dark matter which could explain the Galactic Center GeV excess from the Fermi-LAT experiment. Moreover, I will also address on the connections between the flavored dark matter and the leptogenesis.