Title: Theory and Phenomenology of Massive Neutrinos
Lecturer: Carlo Giunti (INFN, Torino Section, Italy)
Time: 3 pm-6 pm, September 23 (Friday), 2016
3 pm-6 pm, September 26 (Monday), 2016
3 pm-6 pm, September 29 (Thursday), 2016
Place:319 Theoretical Physics Division (Library)
The general theory of neutrino masses and mixing is introduced.
The theory of neutrino oscillations in vacuum and in matter is reviewed,
with discussion of the most important general phenomenological aspects.
Book: Fundamentals of Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics,
C. Giunti, C. W. Kim, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2007.
by Carlo Giunti, Marco Laveder, Stefano Gariazzo.
- Dirac Neutrino Masses
Higgs Mechanism in the Standard Model
Three-Generation Neutrino Masses and Mixing
- Majorana Neutrino Masses
Two-Component Theory of a Massless Neutrino
Majorana Mass
Mixing of Three Majorana Neutrinos
- Dirac-Majorana Mass
One Generation
See-Saw Mechanism
Three-Generation Mixing
- Neutrino Oscillations in Vacuum
General Theory
Two-Neutrino Mixing and Oscillations
- Neutrino Oscillations in Matter
Effective Potentials in Matter
MSW Effect (Resonant Transitions in Matter)
Phenomenology of Solar Neutrinos
- Quantum Mechanics of Neutrino Oscillations
Wave-Packet Theory of Neutrino Oscillations
Common Question: Do Charged Leptons Oscillate?
Mistake: Oscillation Phase Larger by a Factor of 2
- Phenomenology
Evidences of Neutrino Oscillations
Phenomenology of Three-Neutrino Mixing
Absolute Scale of Neutrino Masses
Light Sterile Neutrinos