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[4.27]Existence of the critical endpoint in the vector meson extended linear sigma model
文章来源:  |  发布时间:2016-04-17  |  浏览:


Title: Existence of the critical endpoint in the vector meson extended linear sigma model

Speaker: Prof. Gyorgy Wolf  (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest)

Time: 2:30PM, Apr. 27th (Wednesday)

Place: Theoretical Physics Division319

Abstract: The chiral phase transition of the strongly interacting matter is investigated at nonzero temperature and baryon chemical potential $\mu_B$ within an extended $(2+1)$ flavor Polyakov constituent quark-meson model which incorporates the effect of the vector and axial vector mesons. The effect of the fermionic vacuum and thermal fluctuations computed from the grand potential of the model is taken into account in the curvature masses of the scalar and pseudoscalar mesons. We examine the restoration of the chiral symmetry by monitoring the temperature evolution of condensates and the chiral partners' masses. We calculate the pressure and various thermodynamical  observables derived from it and compare them to the continuum extrapolated  lattice results of the Wuppertal-Budapest collaboration. We study the $T-\mu_B$ phase diagram of the model and find that a critical end point exists for parameters of the model.

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