Title: On the axial charge dynamics at strong coupling
Speaker: Dr. Shu Lin (BNL, USA)
Time: 3:00PM, May 26th (Monday)
Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
Abstract: The axial charge dynamics is an interesting subject in both electroweak theory and QCD. In electroweak theory, it is closely related to baryon number violation. In QCD, it is a key component in anomaly induced phenomena such as chiral magnetic effect and chiral vortical effect. In this talk, I will begin by reviewing the status of axial charge dynamics at weakly coupled gauge theory, and discussing the subtlety in the operator relation of anomaly. Then I will consider a holographic model at strong coupling, which enables us to access directly the correlators of axial charge and topological charge density. Finally I will show the full dynamics of axial charge in the model.