Title: Two-Higgs-doublet model with soft CP-violation confronting EDM and LHC tests
Speaker: Dr. Ying-Nan Mao 毛英男 (Center for Theoretical Sciences, Taiwan)
Time: 10:00 (Beijing Time), Tuesday, 2020-11-3
Zoom: (Code: 12345)
Zoom ID:2151583083

Abstract: Based on two-Higgs-doublet model with soft CP-violation as an example, we analyze both the EDM and collider effects. In some region, different contributions to electron EDM may cancel with each other, thus an O(0.1) CP-phase is still allowed. We show the importance of neutron EDM test in such an scenario. For an O(0.1) CP-violation phase, first evidence will appear in future neutron EDM experiment to the accuracy O(10^{-27}) Else the constriant on the CP-mixing angle will be an order stricter. We also analyze the CP-violation effects in ttH associated production process at LHC, which can provide a complementary cross-check.