SeminarTitle: Towards solving open problems in quantum field theory: tensor networks, zeta-regularization and quantum computing
Speaker: Prof. Karl Jansen (NIC, DESY, Zeuthen )
Time: 10:00 AM, Jun. 27th (Thursday), 2019
Place: R319, Theoretical Physics Division
Abstract:There are several problems in quantum field theory which cannot be solved by conventional Monte Carlo simulation techniques, i.e. a non-zero baryon density, the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe and real time simulations. At the example of 1+1 dimensional benchmark models we will discuss new directions towards overcoming these problems. In particular, we will introduce tensor network techniques which are very successful in low dimensions. As another direction, we will demonstrate that the zeta-regularization opens a new path to regularize Feynman's path integral in the continuum for general metrics. We will then show that quantum computing could be a practical way in the future to evaluate zeta-regularized vacuum expectation values.