Title: Do we have dark matter in modified gravity?
Speaker: Prof. Murli Manohar Verma (University of Lucknow)
Time: 3:00pm, Nov. 20th, 2018 (Tuesday)
Place:Seminar room 319
Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss the geometrical effects of dark matter without actually invoking the dark matter, per se, in the standard form. It will be done by modifying the Einstein-Hilbert action, especially in f(R) model and the new scalar field would be discussed under a conformal transformation from the Jordan frame to the Einstein frame. I will show that the mass of the scalaron undergoes a chameleon mechanism and becomes large in the high curvature regions to cause a screening of the fifth force. I will also discuss the cosmological conditions on various features of the scalaron to show how it can act as a dark matter particle.