Title: Sigma-assisted natural composite Higgs
Speaker: Dr. Diogo Buarque Franzosi (Chalmers University of Technology)
Time: 3:00 pm Oct.31(Wednesday), 2018
Place: 319 Theoretical Physics Division
Abstract: Electroweak precision observables as well as more recent LHC measurements push Composite Higgs model into unnatural region, with the vacuum misalignment angle $\sin\theta=v/f\lesssim 0.2$. Such values are difficult to achieve from the typical interactions that determine the vacuum alignment. I will show how the techni-sigma scalar excitation might alleviate this problem in a theory of Composite Higgs with a partially composite top quark. I will use unitarity arguments to estimate mass and couplings of this scalar state and discuss the possibility to observe it at the LHC. The work is based on arXiv:1809.09146.