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[4.17]Scalar dark matter explanation of the DAMPE data in the minimal Left-Right symmetric model
文章来源:  |  发布时间:2018-04-04  |  浏览:


Title: Scalar dark matter explanation of the DAMPE data in the minimal Left-Right symmetric model

Speaker: Prof. Junjie Cao (曹俊杰) (河南师范大学)

Time: 2:30PM, Apr. 17th, 2018 (Tuesday)

Place: Theoretical Physics Division, 319

Abstract: In my talk I will discuss the implication of the 1.4 TeV peak observed by DAMPE experiment, and review the explanations of the peak in new physics models. In particular, I focus on the left-right symmetric model, and point out that the model itself can predict the DM which annihilates dominantly into leptons, and consequently it is capable of explaining the peak in a rather natural way. Other theoretical issues, such as unitary constraints on the model and the two loop effects on the RGE running of the relevant couplings, are also discussed.



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