Title: Light scalar in the minimal left-right symmetric model
Speaker: Dr. Yongchao Zhang (Washington University)
Time: 10:00AM, Jan. 8th, 2018 (Monday)
Place: Theoretical Physics Division, 319
Abstract: In the minimal left-right symmetric model which could accommodate the tiny neutrino masses via TeV seesaw mechanism, the neutral scalar from the right-handed symmetry breaking sector could be much lighter than the electroweak scale. Limited by the meson oscillation and decay data, such a light particle is necessarily long-lived and decays predominantly into two photons, mediated by the heavy WR boson. It could be searched for at the LHC and in the intensity frontier experiments via (displaced) photon signals, if its mass is of order GeV scale. This provides a unique test of TeV scale left-right models and the seesaw mechanisms.