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[1.18]Solving large-N gauge theory by integrability
文章来源:  |  发布时间:2017-01-09  |  浏览:


Title: Solving large-N gauge theory by integrability  

Speaker: Dr. Yun-Feng Jiang (江云峰)(ETH Zürich)

Time: 2:30PM, Jan. 18th 2017 (Wednesday)

Place: Theoretical Physics Division319

Abstract: Gauge theories describe fundamental interactions in nature but are hard to solve especially in strongly coupled regime. On the other hand, integrable models which usually appear in low dimensional many-body systems preserve infinitely many conserved charges and can be solved exactly. It is realized in recent years that certain large N gauge theories in 4 dimensions can be seen as an integrable system which raises the hope to solve them exactly. In this talk, I will give an overview of the beautiful relation between large N gauge theory and integrability. In particular, I will explain in detail how to compute correlation functions of local gauge invariant operators of the planar $\mathcal{N}=4$ Super-Yang-Mills theory using integrability. I will also comment on the computation of other interesting quantities such as Wilson loops and scattering amplitudes and generalizations to other theories.

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