Title: A new mechanism of baryogenesis: leptogenesis via phase transition
Speaker: Dr. Ye-Ling Zhou (周也铃)(Durham University, UK)
Time: 10:00AM, Jan. 12th 2017 (Thursday)
Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
Abstract: I will talk about a new mechanism of baryogenesis (arXiv:1609.07969). It generates a lepton asymmetry via phase transition and partially converts it to abaryon asymmetry through sphaleron processes. It differs from the classical thermal leptogenesis in type-I seesaw, where the lepton asymmetry is generated through the decay of right-handed neutrinos. This mechanism does not specify any neutrino mass origins, but requires just a Weinberg operator and a CP-violating phase transition. It provides strong connections with low-energy neutrino experiments and leptonic flavour models.
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