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[10.20]Integral reduction at multi loop, an algebraic geometry story
文章来源:  |  发布时间:2016-10-12  |  浏览:
 Title: Integral reduction at multi loop, an algebraic geometry story
 Speaker: Yang Zhang (ETH, Zurich)
 Time: 10am, Oct. 20, 2016 (Thu.)
 Place: Conference Hall 319, Theoretical Physics Division
 Multiloop amplitude is very important for the study of LHC physics. Given large number of Feynman diagrams, we need to consider the reduction to a small number of master integrals. Usually this is achieved by IBP relations, however, IBP computation is often very heavy. In this talk, we show the recent progress of IBP reduction, based on generalized unitarity and new mathematical method: computational algebraic geometry.
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