Title: Nuclear Structure Effects in Light Muonic Atoms
Speaker: Dr. Chen Ji (计晨) (ECT* / INFN-TIFPA)
Time: 3:00PM, Apr. 14th (Thursday)
Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
Abstract: The proton radius extracted from recent measurements of the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen disagrees significantly with that determined from electronic hydrogen spectroscopy or electron-proton elastic scattering. Motivated by the proton radius puzzle, new Lamb shift measurements in other light muonic atoms will be performed at PSI. These measurements aim to extract the nuclear charge radius with extremely high accuracies, crucially limited by knowledge of the nuclear structure contributions to the Lamb shift.
Our collaborations have peformed ab-initio calculations of the nuclear structure effects using state-of-the-art nuclear Hamiltonians, with a high precision that satisfies the experimental requirement. I will present results for muonic deuterium, 3H, 3He, and 4He, and discuss about our future investigations to shed light on the radius puzzle.
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