Title: Neutrino flavor oscillations in supernovae and in neutron star mergers
Speaker: Dr. Meng-Ru Wu (吴孟儒) (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Time: 10:00AM, Apr. 14th (Thursday)
Place: Theoretical Physics Division,319
Neutrinos play key roles in explosive astrophysical environments such as core-collapse supernovae and mergers of binary neutron stars or a neutron star with a black hole in terms of both transporting the energy and setting up the composition of the system. Neutrino flavor oscillations that alter the flavor content of neutrinos emitted from the central objects maytherefore affect physical processes such as neutrino heating, nucleosynthesis of elements, and the neutrino signals. Due to the non-linear couplings among neutrino themselves, rich phenomena can occur in these environments, such as collective neutrino oscillations in supernovae and matter-neutrino resonances in black-hole accretion disks. I will discuss our recent works in improving the modelling and understanding of neutrino flavor oscillations in both environments, the indications on nucleosynthesis of elements and neutrino signals, and future challenges.