Title: Fermionic Triangulation and Integrability of FQHEs
Speaker: Dr.Jianfeng Wu (Beijing University of Technology)
Time: 10:00AM, Sep. 4th (Thursday)
Place: Library Building,319
We considered the Integrability behind Laughlin, Halperin states. To do so, we assume the ground state of FQHE is a solitonic wavefunction. By the standard quantum
mechanics of soliton wavefunction, we obtained the corresponding Hamiltonian. Taking the ground state as conformal field theory correlation function, and a direct correspondence between bosonic modes and power sum polynomial emerges naturally when acting on the coherent basis. In this way, we obtained the bosonic operator formalism of the Hamiltonian. By standard fermionization, we found there is a secret triangulation relation dominating the integrability. So the behind integrability of FQHE ground states is nothing but free fermions.