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[9.28] Basic Ideas of Integrability in Gauge/String Duality
文章来源:  |  发布时间:2016-09-27  |  浏览:

Title: Basic Ideas of Integrability in Gauge/String Duality -- An Overview of the Spectral Problem

Speaker: Huihuang Chen (陈辉煌)

Time: 10:00 am, September 28th 2016 (Wednesday)



Abstract: Integrable structures founded in both superconformal gauge theories and string theories attract many theorists into this interesting area. In the context of AdS/CFT correspondence, symmetry and integrability alone may eventually give us an example of exactly solvable quantum field theory in four dimensional spacetime. While this is an big dream, the first step is to solve the spectral problem and it was done in around 2013. Nikolay Gromov and his collaborators have found maybe the final simplified edition of this problem--the quantum spectral curve. The quantum spectral curve has many equivalent form: The Q-system, the Y-system or the TBA(thermodynamic Bethe ansatz). I will give some basic ideas behind these rather complicated but beautiful structures. 

Place: 319, Theoretical Physics Division
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